Mineral Resource Investigations
Salt • Aggregates • Industrial Minerals • Precious Metals • Coal
- Production potential evaluations
- Environmental impact studies
- Mining hazard analysis
- Shaft analysis
Hydrogeologic Investigations
- Geological and hydrogeologic investigations of potential cavers sites
- Assessment of existing and post-mining ground water and surface water conditions
- Development of process water sources
- Cavern integrity testing and analysis
Water Inflow & Mine Flooding
- Forensic investigations
- Mitigation and control of mine inflow
- Aquifer and water supply impact evaluations
- Sinkhole evaluation, mitigation and control
Property & Environmental Impact Claims
- Forensic evaluations
- Sinkhole evaluations
- Stray gas evaluations
- Ground water contamination assessments
Permitting & Regulatory Support
- Aggregate mines
- Underground mines
- Gas storage operations
Expert Opinions & Testimony
Ground Water Supply & Development
- Well field planning and well site selection
- Drilling services management
- Test well & production well evaluations
- Geophysical investigations
- Water quality testing and evaluation
- Surface water influence (GWUDI)
Aquifer Studies
- Aquifer identification
- Aquifer evaluations for unconsolidated soil and bedrock
- Fracture trace analysis
- Recharge area investigation
- Water budget analysis
- Safe yield analysis
Surface Water Supply Evaluations
- Watershed delineations
- Stream flow gauging
- Water quality testing and evaluation
Spring Water Evaluation and Development
- Spring yield and quality monitoring
- Recharge area delineations
- Spring water protection studies
Well Performance and Redevelopment
- Well and well field capacity evaluations
- Well field monitoring programs
- Well fouling evaluations
- Selection of redevelopment methods
Protection Studies and Protection Plans
- Wellhead protection plans
- Source water assessment
- Delineation of aquifer protection zones
Ground Water and Surface Water Resource Contamination
- Hydrocarbon, hazardous waste, and salt contaminant source and extent investigations
- Contaminant migration evaluations
- Remediation of ground water contamination
- Water resource and property damage claims
Permit Support
- Preparation of permit applications
- Regulatory reporting
Product Storage and Transportation
- Site selection & development
- Hydrogeologic analysis of cavern integrity
- Product leakage detection and evaluation
Resource Potential Evaluations
- Geologic analysis
- Water source investigation
- Identification of stratigraphic formations
Hydrogeologic Investigations
- Assessment of base-line (pre-drilling) conditions
- Monitoring of post-drilling conditions
- Water source evaluation and development
Environmental Impact Assessments
- Surface water
- Ground water
- Wetlands
- Cultural resources
Property & Environmental Damage Claims
- Forensic evaluations
- Sinkhole evaluation
- Stray gas evaluations
- Ground water contamination investigations
- Change of conditions
Permit Support
- Pre and post-condition evaluations
- Tailings and waste disposal support
- Surface and ground water mitigation strategies
Site Investigations and Remediation
- Investigate soil, rock, ground water, and surface water impacts
- Petroleum spill investigation and remediation
- Petroleum storage tank removal
- Hazardous waste site investigation
- Brownfield assessment and remediation
- Soil vapor intrusion evaluation
Hydrogeologic Studies
- Wetlands evaluations
- Baseline water quality studies
- Landfill siting and planning
Computer Modeling
- Regional & local hydrogeologic models
- Contaminant fate & transport
- Ground water mounding analysis
- GIS & 3D visualization
Environmental Site Assessments
- Phase I ESA
- Phase II Subsurface Investigations
Environmental Chemistry & Data Validation
Property & Environmental Damage Claims
Expert Opinion & Testimony
Environmental and Property Damage Claims
Environmental Impacts to Water Resources from Proposed Projects, Developments, and Construction
Mine Flooding and Ground Water Inflow Issues
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Support
Land Subsidence and Sinkholes
Mineral and Water Resource Losses and Damages
Geologic and Hydrogeologic Issues
Surface and Ground Water Impacts
Forensic Evaluations to Address Causation and Timing
Issues Related to Hazardous Waste Contamination
Dam and Dike Stability and Failure Evaluations
Soil and Rock Investigations
Expert Opinion and Testimony
Operators of Treatment Systems for Brine, Flowback from Hydrofracturing, and Production Water from Oil and Gas Wells